Our Programs
LVTRise aligns its services to resident’s needs to create a source of community pride and neighborhood socialization around the community center. All of our programs are united by a common goal—to create opportunities that help our community residents flourish in their educational pathways, at home in family life, and in their local community. Programs implemented at the community center include social services, employment services, parenting classes, food pantry, mental health services, GED classes, ESL classes, after-school tutoring and meals, childcare services, and more.

Community Outreach

Our community outreach programs improve the lives of the vulnerable neighbors in low-income households while strengthening the entire community of Las Vegas Trail. By providing groceries, basic necessities, referrals to social services and more, our outreach efforts change lives every day.
Click to learn more about our weekly food distribution.
LVTRise works to advance solutions to make the LVT community a safer place where there is opportunity for all in education, health and family well-being, workforce and economic development and housing.
Through special events, we build community pride and promote on-campus services for people of all ages. Stay up to date with our special events by following us on Facebook or visiting the front desk!
Through our partnerships and support of community organizations, we are able to bring services directly into the Las Vegas Trail neighborhood. These on-site opportunities directly impact our Empowerment Services. Learn more below.

Educational Programs
We support the educational efforts in the Las Vegas Trail neighborhood through Education Committee meetings, which brings community partners to the discussion. Learn more about our rotating service partners by following us on social media.
Child development services give families support in vital areas that otherwise might be neglected.
Children need a safe place to go after school when their parents are working or unavailable to care for them.
When working parents don't have the capacity for basic care for their child, we provide an outlet for growth.
Empowerment Program
Through our partnerships, LVTRise provides the necessary access to social services that otherwise would not be accessible. From assistance to finding a safe place to sleep, to providing resources for employment and homelessness, LVTRise's empowerment program seeks to assist every single one of Las Vegas Trails residents. Through referral programs via our community partners, residents are able to rise above their old ways of struggle.
The stress of living in poverty or struggling on the streets often leads people to abusing drugs and alcohol as a means of escape. We work to break the cycles by providing resources for community members to overcome these challenges and develop a renewed sense of hope. Our empowerment program helps community members who may be homeless or jobless access necessary services to better their lives into sustainable, self-sufficient lives.